Speaking on Stage 101
Want to get on the stage and speak for Speak For Good? Passing this course is one of your prerequisites. Reading or watching the course will take about an hour. You must answer 80% of the section-end questions correctly.
A message from Speak For Good and eSpeakers
Before we begin...
Dealing with your client
Look Like It
Practice Out Loud
Stick The Landing On Your Stories
Using the Speak For Good Talk Templates
Writing Your Introduction
What did you learn about "Before your presentation"
Arrive Early
Start and End on Time
What to do with your Phone While You're Speaking
While you are being introduced
Stage Presence
Word Rate and Clarity
Buddy or Boss?
Connect with the Audience
What to Avoid on your Opening
How to Acknowledge the Sponsor
What did you learn about "During"?
Interacting with Audience Members
Handling Tough Questions
Send Two Thank-you Notes
What did you learn about "After"?
Wrapping up